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SRQ DAILY Oct 6, 2014

Monday Business Edition

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Monday Business Edition

"The response was what you would expect when filming in New York or Los Angeles."

- Victor Young, Media and Management Global

[Real Estate]  Market Value Changes

Market Values for properties in Sarasota County, after five consecutive years of decline, saw an increase of 6 percent in the year 2013. A look at breakdowns of value on properties within municipalities showed North Port properties both saw the harshest decreases during the economic downtown and the strongest rebound afterward. 

[Film]  Young Reaches For Clouds With Stratosphere

It was a long process bring the film Stratosphere from a dream to an actual product. One of the steps along the way, according to producer and co-writer Victor Young, was moving the bulk of the production to Sarasota County for the good of the movie.

"We ended up shooting 85 percent of the film in Sarasota," Young said. "A lot of that was that the Sarasota County film commission was very proactive." The film started production in Tampa, but found work in Hillsborough County could be burdensome for a film crew. Officials were constantly directing filmmakers to other offices for various permits and permissions.

The process proved more streamlined in Sarasota, where the Sarasota County Film and Entertainment Office provides a more centralized area for handling the needs of filmmakers, Young said. "The response was what you would expect when filming in New York or Los Angeles."

Stratosphere has now finished up its major production and hosted a wrap party on Sept. 13 at Maggiano's in Tampa, where a trailer for the film was released. The movie, directed by Erica Sutherlin, is now being screened with industry professionals to fine-tune the final edit. Filmmakers are in talks with a couple distribution companies and will definitely bring the film to theaters.

"We're just starting to realize this vision," Sutherlin said. "It's coming together and I'm excited."

The movie follows the story of Reid Crawford, a federal contractor who creates a database to capture information on every person in America but then becomes the target of a crime boss himself. 

Young, CEO of Media and Management Global, may be better known in Sarasota as the co-owner of Lamborghini Sarasota and BMW of Sarasota. The savvy businessman has plans to make sure this film venture is a financial success as well, and has hopes in the DVD and video-on-demand markets, and even believes there is potential for episodic development of the Stratosphere concept. 

To learn more and to see the trailer for Stratosphere, read SRQ Backlot.

[Theater]  WBTT Coming Out Strong For 15th Anniversary
Philip Lederer, Phil.Lederer@srqme.com

Tonight marks the premiere production of the 15th season for the Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe, with a special performance of The Eve of Jackie: A Musical Tribute To Jackie Wilson. For one night only, in the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, writer and award-winning Broadway performer, Chester Gregory, will take the audience back to singer and showman Jackie Wilson’s final performance before his on-stage collapse in 1975, singing the songs and reliving the moments that made Wilson one of the stand-out greats of his time.

The show will also include a preshow musical performance featuring many WBTT members in a ‘60s musical medley accompanied by the WBTT band and director Jay Dodge.

The night is a special celebration for WBTT, which begins the new season debt-free and, for the first time, owning its own two-building theater complex.

“We wanted to do something in a big way,” said WBTT founding artistic director Nate Jacobs, who wanted a change from past kickoff events that typically could not incorporate all of the company’s community supporters, and so opted for the larger Van Wezel for this year's celebration. “We really needed to find a venue where our patrons could celebrate our 15 years with us.”

It’s been a varied 15 years, according to Jacobs, who described the time as both “challenging” and “rewarding,” as well as “eye-opening” and “simply wonderful.” He credits much of the company’s survival and success on a supportive board and the work of WBTT CEO Christine Jennings. Tonight's event will also mark Jennings’ final show with WBTT, following her retirement and the arrival of new WBTT executive director Richard Parison.

A theater veteran, Parison comes most recently from the CenterStage Foundation at Richmond CenterStage in Virginia, where he served as executive director since 2010. Parison was selected after a nationwide search by WBTT.

“The posting was very appealing because it appeared to be an organization on the cusp of very dynamic and exciting things,” said Parison, who began his tenure at WBTT this September. “It was ultimately the right fit at the right time at the right place.”

Jacobs and Parison hope in the coming seasons to capitalize on WBTT’s past success and solid foundation and develop a more nationwide presence. Currently, a capital campaign to help renovate the theater is in the early stages of conversation.

The Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe’s 15th Season celebration with The Eve of Jackie happens tonight at 8pm in the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall. Tickets are still available through the Van Wezel Box Office. 

[Finance]  Ryan Moseley, Moseley Investment Management
Jacob Ogles, jacob.ogles@srqme.com

A number of Southwest Florida investors have relied on Moseley Investment Management for decades, with some driving from the Sarasota area up to Bradenton just to maintain the connection. Now the Bradenton company is opening an office in downtown Sarasota, where company economist Ryan Moseley will be running the show. We spoke with Moseley about the reason for the second location.

What prompted the decision to open a Sarasota office? Susan [Moseley, company president] has been looking for a place several years. We found other places but they weren't at the right time, the right place or the right price. Now we found all those three combined, and were able to acquire the 1600 Ringing location. We were looking for a long-term place to be in Downtown Sarasota. It just made sense to do it.

Will you be looking to grow your number of clients to the south with this move? Most of our client base is in Sarasota anyway. That was the main reason. We have been stationed in Bradenton for 25 years and a lot of our larger clients, they haven't been willing to refer their friends because it's a 30-minute drive, and they know many people like doing business in person. 

Will you be growing your staff immediately? We are working with a couple deals with some other independent advisors that might possibly come work within the office with us. We hired somebody in February or March to train up if we ended up expanding, and they will be the main person working with me over in the Sarasota office. 

[Health]  Governor Announced Ebola Precautions

In a press release datelined Sarasota, Gov. Rick Scott announced state preparedness actions to deal with Ebola while the Department of Health works with the Center for Disease Control to test a patient for Ebola in Miami. Scott's office on Saturday confirmed there was a patient being treated for symptoms at Sarasota Memorial Hospital because he had recently traveled to West Africa. A Sunday statement stressed Florida still has had no confirmed cases of Ebola. The Department of Health has requested 30 additional Ebola test kits so that all 30 of Florida's public hospitals have the ability to test patients. 

Governor of Florida

[Government]  Sarasota Issues Record Permits for Fiscal Year

The City of Sarasota Neighborhood and Development Services Department issued a record-breaking number of building permits during fiscal year 2013-14, city officials announced. 7,216 permits were issued during the fiscal year, which ended Wednesday.  That is a 14-percent increase over last year, which previously set a record. Total construction valuation nearly doubled, from $127.6 million to $362.1 million. 

City of Sarasota

[Synergy]  OceanGrip Partners With Legacy Paddlesports

Sarasota-based OceanGrip, the leading manufacturere of high-quality, marine-grade non-skid padding protection, announced that it was selected as the original equipment manufacturer for Legacy Paddlesports' Native Watercraft kayak line. The company will supply the signature non-skid pad, used for tractiong and protection, for all Native Watercraft kayaks. 


SRQ Media Group

SRQ DAILY is produced by SRQ | The Magazine. Note: The views and opinions expressed in the Saturday Perspectives Edition and in the Letters department of SRQ DAILY are those of the author(s) and do not imply endorsement by SRQ Media. Senior Editor Jacob Ogles edits the Saturday Perspective Edition, Letters and Guest Contributor columns.In the CocoTele department, SRQ DAILY is providing excerpts from news releases as a public service. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by SRQ DAILY. The views expressed by individuals are their own and their appearance in this section does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. For rates on SRQ DAILY banner advertising and sponsored content opportunities, please contact Ashley Ryan Cannon at 941-365-7702 x211 or via email

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