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SRQ DAILY Mar 16, 2017

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"If you're part of the resistance, it's hard to be depressed."

- Anne Feeney, songwriter and activist

[Politics]  Where The Votes Are: Bullet Votes
Jacob Ogles, jacob.ogles@srqme.com

While voters in a Sarasota City Commission election on Tuesday were allowed to vote for two of eight candidates, more than 1,500 voters (almost 12 percent of votes cast) cast votes for just one person on the ballot according to an SRQ Where the Votes Are analysis of election returns. Employing a practice known as bullet-voting, many voters choose to forfeit a second vote in hopes of improving their top priority candidate’s standing in the final results.

The greatest beneficiary of the practice was Martin Hyde, who beat 4th place finisher Susan Chapman by just 54 votes to secure a place in the runoff. Jennifer Ahearn-Koch, the top vote-getter in the election, had the seventh-lowest percentage of her votes come from single-bullet voters. The top three vote-getters in the election—Ahearn-Koch, Hagen Brody and Hyde—advance to a runoff on May 9. Voters will again be able (but not compelled) to vote for two candidates. 

SRQ Media Group on March 28 will host a precinct-by-precinct analysis of the 2017 municipal elections, led by political guru Jacob Ogles. Doors open at 7:45am with presentation at 8am. RSVP to jacob.ogles@srqme.com. 

[Music]  Double Trouble Comes to Fogartyville
Philip Lederer, Phil.Lederer@srqme.com

“If you’re part of the resistance, it’s hard to be depressed,” says folk singer and social activist Anne Feeney. And for nearly 50 years, Feeney has made herself a part of the resistance, first as a protester and organizer in the Nixon era and then touring the US, Canada and pockets of Europe with her guitar and a message of equality and social justice. This Friday, Feeney teams up with fellow songwriter and comedian Eric Schwartz as the pair’s Double Trouble tour sweeps through Sarasota for a night of music, laughter and good-natured political commentary. Beginning at 8pm at the Fogartyville Community Media and Arts Center, tickets are $12 in advance or $15 the day of.

An avid labor rights advocate, Feeney’s music has been featured in multiple documentaries (most notably the song “Have You Been to Jail for Justice”), is regularly featured on Democracy Now! and has been recorded by artists such as Peter, Paul and Mary. Schwartz, a longtime friend of Feeney, has made his own mark in the political comedy sphere, with parody songs and videos such as “Keep Your Jesus Off My Penis” going viral with more than a million downloads. “Eric is a giant in comedy and a fabulous instrumentalist,” says Feeney, including guitar, piano and “the voice of an angel.” But, she says, he’s never afraid to get political. And for the woman once praised by Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello (“Few have raised as much hell on an acoustic guitar as [Anne Feeney],” he said), that’s important. “We’re very in-your-face,” says Feeney. “Nobody has to study our lyrics to figure out what they’re about.”

But, she says, that doesn’t mean it won’t be a good time first and foremost. Splitting the stage with Schwartz for two 45-minute sets (there will be a break for schmoozing and merch) plus “all the encores,” humor is an important part of the equation. “When people ask why I’m an activist, they act like I’m Mother Teresa making this sacrifice,” says Feeney. “I do it because it’s fun and it keeps me happy and motivated.” The goal isn’t to lecture, but commune on the importance of social issues of the day while entertaining. “I’m hoping they’ll be sore from laughing,” she says, “and they’ll be inspired to go out and resist injustice and unfairness.”

Anne Feeney and Eric Schwartz and the Double Trouble tour come to Fogartyville Community Media and Arts Center this Friday, March 17. The show starts at 8pm and tickets are $12 in advance or $15 at the door. 

Pictured: Anne Feeney. Photo by Julie Leonardsson.

[Ryan Flies]  From the Cockpit Part 11: Taylorcraft BC-12D
Philip Lederer, Phil.Lederer@srqme.com

Editor’s Note: This is part eleven of an ongoing series documenting the flights of active-duty US Navy Pilot Ryan Rankin on his journey to fly 52 planes in 52 weeks through the year 2017.

Flying out of Lakeland Linder Regional Airport again with Travis Brown of Tailwheels Etc. (see: From The Cockpit Part 6), Rankin takes the wheel of a Taylorcraft BC-12D. Built in the 1930s and 40s, the BC-12D is a simple craft that gets the job done, says Rankin, moving the pilot, a passenger and a smattering of supplies from Point A to Point B. But while not designed for flash, the plane sports its own vintage charm. Or as Rankin puts it: “It’s always neat to get into an airplane older than your father.”

Evidence of the BC-12D’s age present themselves immediately, not only in the fuselage and wings, which are skinned with doped aircraft fabric as opposed to aluminum, but in the propeller itself, crafted from wood. For Rankin’s purposes, however, these will have little effect on the flight.

Very similar to the Piper J-3S Cub (see: From The Cockpit Part 7), the biggest differences come in cockpit design. For one, the BC-12D puts the pilot and the co-pilot of passenger side-by-side as opposed to tandem seating, making space just a little “tight,” Rankin says, though this likely came in handy when the plane’s intercom died and he and Brown resorted to shouting back and forth to be heard. The BC-12D also uses a yoke, like a wheel, instead of a stick. Everybody has a preference, says Rankin, and he leans towards the stick, which he feels requires less separation of movement to control the plane’s pitch, roll and yaw at the same time. For example, a single pull back and left on a stick versus pulling back on the yoke while simultaneously rotating the wheel for a turn. “I feel like I have more control,” he says.

Not an aerobatic plane, Rankin and Brown practiced tailwheel landings instead of flips. Flying out to a grassy field, Rankin was surprised to find the grass actually made the landing easier, providing some cushion. Though the fifth tailwheel plane in the series so far, Rankin waves off any notion of mastery, self-describing as an amateur. “It’s something that even experienced guys can get in trouble with,” he says. The danger is something called a “ground loop,” which can occur on takeoff or landing, when the pilot steers with the rudder pedals at their feet and a miscalculation can send the plane into a violent 180-degree spin, digging the wing into the ground. “But the more you fly, the better you get,” says Rankin. “I enjoy the challenge.”

For more about the flight in Rankin’s own words and a video of the flight, follow the link below. 

Pictured: Ryan Rankin and the Taylorcraft BC-12D.

Ryan Flies

[Daily Shop]  Rooted Energy
Aviel Kanter, aviel.kanter@srqme.com

Soothing and anti-inflammatory, copper holds a grounding property, balancing the body and easing pain. While serving practical purposes, copper adornments can also be stylish and artistic—Grounded's Christopher Dougherty's hand-crafted designs are just that, and he'll be on-hand to create one-of-a-kind custom pieces at this Saturday's Rosemary District Indie Market. From hammered bracelets to wedding bands, Dougherty elevates the metal, bringing forth wearable pieces of art. Find his live artist booth from 10am–3pm at the outdoor market on 7th Street.  

Photo courtesy of Grounded Copper.

Grounded Copper, 941-587-7353.

[Synergy]  Wagner Participates in American Bar Association Webinar

E. John Wagner, II, a shareholder with Williams Parker Attorneys, recently participated as a panelist in an American Bar Association Section of Taxation webinar regarding techniques to sell land or air rights to a real estate developer and receive back finished condominiums from the same project tax-free. Materials from the webinar are available on The Williams Parker Business & Tax Blog linked below. Wagner is a board-certified tax attorney and chair of Williams Parker’s corporate and tax practices. He represents executives, entrepreneurs and real estate investors in tax, transactional, capital raising, estate planning and estate administration matters. 

Williams Parker

[Community]  Charity Wedding Donated by Area Businesses

In coordination with Goodwill Manasota, Jennifer Matteo Event planning will be gifting a complete wedding ceremony and reception to a local veteran. All items and services for the nuptials were coordinated by Jennifer Matteo Event Planning and donated by local wedding industry vendors. The total gifted amount for goods and services exceeds $40,000, including everything from the engagement ring to the venue. Karrie Jewell was proposed to by Nathan Bookout last September on stage at the iHeart Radio concert, put on by Goodwill Manasota. After the proposal, they were greeted on stage by Jennifer Matteo who announced that they were not only being given an engagement, but an entire wedding. The couple was chosen for the good works and overall “Goodwill” that they posses.  

Goodwill Manasota

[Hires]  Mote Adds Two New Scientists

Mote Marine Laboratory has hired two new Mote Postdoctoral Research Fellows, whose research is now ramping up, following a selection process that concluded in late 2016. These next-generation researchers helped Mote attain a key 2016 goal in its 2020 Vision & Strategic Plan: to have at least five Mote Postdoctoral Research Fellows. Dr. Philip Gravinese is located at Mote’s Sarasota campus and is working with Mote's Fisheries Ecology & Enhancement Program to research the effects of ocean acidification (OA), climate change and low oxygen levels on stone crabs. Gravinese’s potential future projects include determining the impacts of Florida red tide on stone crabs and assessing how increased freshwater flow into parts of Florida Bay may impact post larvae and juvenile stone crab survival, growth and physiology. Dr. Rob Nowicki, a marine ecologist based at Mote’s Summerland Key campus, studies the complex relationships among ocean animals, plants and their non-living environment. At Mote’s Summerland Key campus, researchers are studying possible strategies to restore coral reefs.

Mote Marine

[TODAY]  PERFORMANCE: New Stages , March 16 – March 19

With the Historic Asolo Theater under renovation Ringling’s New Stages is a work of art that promises to transform your role as a spectator into an active participant through alternate venues. Join Ringling on March 16-19 for Experiment #42.000 by the Institute for Psychogeographic Adventure. By yourself or in the company of a friend, you will be led through a series of performance encounters ranging from the intimate to the spectator. Each, an elaborate experiment that will uncover the psychogeographic qualities of The Ringling galleries and gardens. 

The Ringling , 5401 Bay Shore Rd. Sarasota, FL 34243

[SOON]  GALA: Gala Weekend of Light Chasers Art Shows , March 17, 5-8pm

To restore the Keith Mansion, be sure to wear and bring some green, as donations for the mansion restoration project will be greatly accepted. A percentage of all proceeds from the Light Chasers Art Show sales will be going towards restoration funds. Come mingle with artists from throughout the week as you enjoy refreshments, music and, the gorgeous ambience of the Keith Mansion. Do not miss your opportunity to view wonderful landscapes, rending the Paint Sarasota Paint Out March 18th and 19th.

Phillippi Estate Park, 5500 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota

[SOON]  MUSIC: Jazz at Two - The Jerry Eckert Trio , March 17, 2pm

Jerry Eckert and Rich Mac Donald on drums with Bruce Wallace on Bass. For more information please visit www.jazzclubofsarasota/calendar-of-events

Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota, 3975 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota

[SOON]  BUSINESS: An Evening at the Avant-Garde , March 18, 6:30pm

Fire up your rocket and join the Ringling College of Art and Design for the cosmic annual scholarship fundraiser, An Evening at the Avant Garde that benefits Ringling College students, the brightest stars in the galaxy. Rescue Will Robinson from ever-present danger. Show Darth Vader he’s not your father. Zoom around the Skypad with Jane Jetson. Fly beyond infinity as Buzz Lightyear. Whether you love imagining interplanetary adventures or prefer gazing through a telescope from Earth, your space–themed costume is sure to electrify the crowd at Avant–Garde. 

Ringling College Campus, 2700 N. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34234

[SOON]  SEMINAR: Mental Illness: Roads to Recovery , March 19, 10:30am-12:30pm

Dr. Matthew Edlund will lead the discussion on recovery by talking about physical, social, spiritual and mental health balance. Dr. Edlund is a Board certified physician in both psychiatry and sleep disorder. He is a published author and contributing writer for Psychology Today, Huffington Post and MSNBC news. The panelists will share their experiences as an individual living with mental illness and a family member who will share perspectives on recovery. Diane A. McKay, Psy.D. and Director of Behavioral Health at LECOM will moderate the panel. Reservations are recommended by March 12 by calling 941-376-9261 or email at namisrq@gmail.com. Donations will be gratefully accepted. A light buffet breakfast is included.

Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota

[SOON]  PERFORMANCE: La Vie en Rose: Parisian Society Cafe Music , March 19, 3pm

New York-based French singer Violette and the seven-piece La Vie en Rose Band are a delightful marriage of French chanson and Golden Age swing, performing a repertoire of timeless American standards and French jazz, with a special tribute to Edith Piaf. Tickets and more info at www.artistseriesconcerts.org

Venice Preforming Arts Center, 1 Indian Way, Venice

[SOON]  MUSIC: The Kingston Trio , March 19 – March 21, 8pm

The Kingston Trio always provides a wonderful trip through a musical genre that is adored by millions. You’ll be sure to enjoy their beautiful harmonies, simple-yet-meaningful songs, and top-notch musicianship. Tickets are $54. For more information please visit https://venicestage.com/portfolio/the-kingston-trio/

Venice Theatre, 140 W. Tampa Ave., Venice

[SOON]  SEMINAR: Talking Climate with Michael Oppenhimer , March 20, 7pm

The complex issue of global warming has heated up in recent years as the public seeks clarity. While some contend we’re creating a problem where none exists, others believe we’re ignoring a calamity that will destroy us. Princeton’s Professor Michael Oppenheimer will lead an enlightening exploration from the scientists’ perspective, providing the facts we need to make our opinions informed. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 the day of the event. www.fogartyville.org

Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota, 3975 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota

[SOON]  FOOD: Preview Dinner - Piece de Resistance , March 21, 6pm

Offering a sumptuous menu of European specialties sure to please the palate, the evening will also feature live entertainment and silent and live auctions. Tickets and info at www.sarasotagardenclub.org.

Sarasota Garden Club, 1131 Boulevard of the Arts, Sarasota

[SOON]  SEMINAR: SWAC Speaker Series , March 21, 6:30pm

Join the Sarasota World Affairs Council for the next installment of their 2016–2017 lecture series, featuring John Cassara, Federal Government Intelligence and Law Enforcement Officer who is considered an expert in anti-money laundering and terrorist financing, particularly in the Middle East. Cassara will describe how the money trail links terrorists in a documented web of complicity, giving authorities the information needed to neutralize terrorist networks. Each SWAC lecture is followed by a member's wine and cheese reception on Sarasota Bay where attendees speak face–to–face to those working directly in the field of international affairs. 

Sainer Auditorium, New College of Florida, 5800 Bay Shore Rd. Sarasota, FL 34243

[SOON]  BUSINESS: Renaissance Luncheon-WRC , March 21, 11:30am-1:00pm

The Women’s Resource Center of Sarasota is hosting their annual Renaissance Legacy Luncheon at Michael’s on East on March 21. Join them in honoring Betty Schoenbaum who has contributed to the Women’s Resource Center’s Legacy Scholarship for the past 30 years and celebrate the expansion of WRC resources and services through the 2017 merger between the Manatee County and Sarasota County centers. 

Michael’s on East , 1212 S East Ave. Sarasota, FL 34239

[SOON]  THEATER: Footloose , March 22 – April 9

 The story involves an ordinary city teen transplanted into a conservative small town where dancing is forbidden and rock and roll is demonized. With original songs by Kenny Loggins,Tom Snow, Dean Pitchford, Eric Carmen, Sammy Hagar and Jim Steinmen, this show is a multiple Tony Award winner. For more information and to purchase tickets please visit http://www.theplayers.org/shows/2016-2017-broadway-series/

The Players Theatre of Sarasota, 838 N. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota

[SOON]  GRAB BAG: Paris Flea Market , March 23 – March 26

Shop for jewelry, designer clothing, art, collectibles, furniture, housewares and more. Proceeds benefit the Sarasota Orchestra and its Youth Orchestra program. March 23, 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., March 24 – 26, 10 :00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. More info at www.SOFriends.org/Paris.

Sarasota-Bradenton Commerce Center, 7246 E. 16th St., Bradenton

[SOON]  DANCE: Shadowland by Pilobolus , March 23, 8:00pm

Created by famed dance company Pilobolus, Shadowland By Pilobolus tells the story of a teenage girl, longing for independence, who sleeps, only to wake to something incredible lurking behind her bedroom wall – her shadow. Legendary modern dance is combined with high–energy, fast–paced multimedia, merging front-of-screen choreography with projected images to create a narrative with the fluid logic of a dream, powered by the grace of an acrobatic dance, which evinces surprise and joyous delight in a way that is uniquely Pilobolus. 

Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, 777 N Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34236

[SOON]  MUSIC: Strangeways , March 24, 8pm

Originally formed in 1994, The Strangeways deliver a groove-laden mix of ska, reggae, dancehall and rock steady the way it's meant to be served: with a full brass section, courtesy of trumpeter Will Haynes, trombonist Bruce Glasberg and saxophonist Patrick Lynch. Bassist and lead songwriter Jason Nwagbaraocha is also backed up by guitarist Tony Shepperd, drummer Dan “Duckie” Garrido and keyboardists Clyde “Supa C” Pinder, with nearly every member contributing to the vocal duties in some way. The Strangeways are always willing and able to get their hometown dance floors jump’n'. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Full Belly Stuffed Burgers will provide food. www.fogartyville.org

Fogartyville Community Media and Arts Center, 525 Kumquat Ct., Sarasota

[SOON]  BUSINESS: Art in the Dark , March 24

Experience art in a whole new light at Art in the Dark on March 24 at Michael’s on East. Enjoy an evening of dining, dancing and auctions presented by Lighthouse of Manasota. 

Michael’s on East, 1212 S East Ave. Sarasota, FL 34239

[SOON]  BUSINESS: Jazz at Two - Marc Mannino & Friends , March 24, 2-4pm

Guitarist Marc Mannino Quintet with George Mancini, trombone, John Miller, bass, Bob Lunergan, drums and vocalist Shari Morningstar. For more information please visit www.jazzclubfsarasota.org/calendar-of-events

Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota, 3975 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota

SRQ Media Group

SRQ DAILY is produced by SRQ | The Magazine. Note: The views and opinions expressed in the Saturday Perspectives Edition and in the Letters department of SRQ DAILY are those of the author(s) and do not imply endorsement by SRQ Media. Senior Editor Jacob Ogles edits the Saturday Perspective Edition, Letters and Guest Contributor columns.In the CocoTele department, SRQ DAILY is providing excerpts from news releases as a public service. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by SRQ DAILY. The views expressed by individuals are their own and their appearance in this section does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. For rates on SRQ DAILY banner advertising and sponsored content opportunities, please contact Ashley Ryan Cannon at 941-365-7702 x211 or via email

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