Mable Ringling's Rose Garden
Coconut Telegraph
SATURDAY SEP 8, 2018 |
It is one of the loveliest, most fragrant spots on the Ringling estate and one of its very first works of art. Completed in 1913, the 27,225 square foot Rose Garden is Italian inspired, its circular design patterned after a wagon wheel, its pathways lined with garden sculptures of courting couples in pastoral scenes.While none of the original roses planted by Mable survive, many of the 1200 rose plants are of the same varieties she planted. Today, the garden consists of roses introduced between 1793 and 2002, among them Tree Roses, Hybrid Teas, Floribundas, Grandifloras, miniature roses, shrubs and Old Garden Roses. Fittingly, a rose dedicated to Mable is also featured in the garden.
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