All That Glitters is Green at Deck's Plate

Todays News

In the before times, when veganism was some vague, fringe lifestyle, the average person probably just assumed it meant the adoption of a diet heavy in vegetables with some rudimentary pagan worship thrown in. If someone was especially savvy, they may have known the lifestyle included something about animal welfare and maybe ecological stewardship. Today, plant-based eating continues to grow as a mainstream diet not only because of the more developed conversations being had around resource management in the time of climate change, but because places like Deck’s Plate make plant-based food that just tastes good.

The delivery and take-out operation on Bee Ridge was started by brothers Erik and Evan Decker, the latter having been introduced to plant-based eating while working under Ryan Boeve at both Pomona Bistro and Lila. With Deck’s Plate, the Decker brothers bring copious amounts of flavor to 100% scratch-made, vegan dishes sourced almost entirely from local growers.

A falafel naan sandwich demonstrates that all that glitters is green. The naan is hand-rolled to order and cooked in a pan, making the base of the open-faced sandwich as comforting as any fresh bread. A curried red lentil hummus adds a bit of savory protein while the falafel brings more earthiness than typical fast-casual versions that just take on the taste of the deep fryer. Finally, chermoula, za-atar spice and a squeeze of lemon juice bring a brightness to a dish more flavorful than, and as filling, as any hoagie loaded with deli meats. 

Knock the plant-based lifestyle all you want, but eating your vegetables has never been tastier.

Deck’s Plate, 2300 Bee Ridge Rd., Ste. 207, Sarasota, @decksplate

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