Gulf Coast Community Foundation Supports Heroes in North Port
The Giving Coast
Pictured: NPPOA 24. Photo courtesy of Gulf Coast Community Foundation.
On Thursday, November 3, the North Port Police Officers Association, a three-year-old nonprofit serving the men and women of North Port Police Department, visited Gulf Coast Community Foundation’s Venice Headquarters to discuss their heroic relief efforts after Hurricane Ian. The association was provided a $50,000 grant from Gulf Coast Community Foundation’s Hurricane Ian Relief Fund and is nearly half-way to their goal of enough funding to support all members who experienced tragedy following the storm. The officers shared that while they were ensuring our community was safe after the storm, they were unsure of the safety of their own families and homes. One officer in particular shared that after helping rescue others, he had to travel home by airboat to see what was left of his own livelihood. Many are unsure how they will pay for the damages to their homes and some are without homes at all. Gulf Coast was honored to meet the boots on the ground who are working every day to uplift and rescue our region.
Pictured: NPPOA 24. Photo courtesy of Gulf Coast Community Foundation.
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