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ly which had exercised full {321} powers of self-government since 1776. After all, there were great stretches of honesty and high purpose to counterbalance the squalid jo .

it with an eloquent longing, that cannot be uttered, his welcome and promise. The word whispers through the nations: "Man made One; a World at Peace; Humanity, the Earth .

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Romaine. Since the day on which she had been reconciled to her husband, she had cast from her all suspicion of his past--cast it from her in much the same arbitrary and u .

ong the working masses, who will force their views upon the governments. According to a very prolific Socialist writer, "There are many signs and portents to-day that the .

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in Canada. There was reason to think that he might have left the train in an intoxicated condition at an important junction point; and the family social agency of that ci .

or the Council of Trade, asking that London be made a free port. The petition was duly drawn up and approved by the Common Council, which ordered its committee "to mainta .

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onable assistances from thence, and by mingling and interweaving of Interest, and letting it appear that such Persons and Collonies shall have the more of the Indulgencie .

ers. Taken in the rear and entirely by surprise, the Huerta forces threw down their arms and cried for mercy, and in less than five minutes after the arrival of Captain L .

se to help themselves. FOOTNOTES: [1274] Keir Hardie, _From Serfdom to Socialism_, pp. 33, 34. [1275] Leatham, _Socialism and Character_, p. 96. [1276] See Mencius' Works .

ehind all sorts of evergreen;-- Like a coy Maid, design'd for filthy Man, Peeping, at his approach, behind her fan. Into this place, unnotice'd by beholders, The Duke of .

an ambitious heart had turned your thoughts higher than the poor quadroon, the beautiful but wretched slave. You loved my mistress! my master's daughter! She whom he woul .

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hould be at once taken over without compensation; the present owners should think themselves well off if they escape paying compensation for previous robbery of the peopl .

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another, doing the duties of assistant-hostess with grace and tact, giving a smile to one, a word to another, entering into low-toned conversation, which brightened her .

subsistence determined the rate of wages, the wages for all workers in London ought to be approximately the same. In reality, however, we find that wages range in London .

cerned as may bee. "That a continual correspondence bee so settled and ordered ... that so each place w^{th}in itself and all of them being as it were made up into one Co .

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