In this inquisitive Q&A series, we get personal with the new executive director of Save Our Seabirds, one of the largest bird rescue and rehabilitation centers in Florida, So sit back, pour yourself a glass of bourbon and get to know Brian. 

A recent day in the life?  

As with most–there’s a lot of email, and a lot of meetings. And our office is really small, so we’re all up in each other’s business. The phone rings a lot and those calls usually go the same way. Where is the bird located? What is he doing? Can he fly? But today was different. The volunteer answering the phone sounded confused and asked the person on the other end to spell something. Then he put the call on hold and turned to everyone else and said, with a very confused look “The caller wants to donate 100 cinches.” We were bewildered and a conversation ensued – “what’s a cinch?” We googled it. What could we do with 100 of those? Why would they think we could use them? Then we asked the caller for a picture. Turns out it was 100 finches! 

Your favorite virtue is. . . Gratitude. Gratefulness is the opposite of entitlement in my book.

When you were a kid you dreamed of . . .being in charge. It seemed like only then would I have the freedom to do whatever I wanted. I now understand that the person in charge has the least freedom of all. 

Your guilty pleasure  . . . Bourbon. I’m a bourbon snob. On the rocks please. And by “on the rocks” I mean actual frozen stones. I don’t like the ice melting and watering down my drink.

Thought you had driving to work this morning . . . I can’t believe I didn’t drive by one McDonalds. There should be a McDonalds on North Tamiami somewhere.

Your favorite villains in fiction . . .  Hans Gruber (Die Hard), Hannibal Lector, Annie Wilkes (Misery).

Your favorite villains in real life . . . Joe Exotic (Tiger King). 

My last supper would include . . .  a larger than life ribeye steak cooked medium rare, big loaded baked potato and Pappy Van Winkle. 

Words you use too often. . .  “ Yes, dear . . .”

With two more hours in the day, I would . . .  cram two more hours of work and activity and still not get enough sleep.

Your favorite music artists . . .Muddy Waters, Bob Seger, Chris Botti.

If not yourself, who would you be? I admit it. This question took me deeper than I intended to go. I’m content being me.

If you could undo one invention in the world, what would it be?  Automated phone answering systems.

What was the funniest thing you remember doing as a kid?  My brothers and I used to throw our mattresses out the upstairs window, pile them up and then take turns jumping out onto them.

Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button in your life? A pause button would be nice. It definitely feels like things are moving too fast sometimes. 

If you had your own talk show, who would your first two guests be? Elon Musk and Joe Rogan.

What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done? I jumped out of a plane at 18,000 feet.

Your favorite food of the moment is . . .   quarter Calzony at Little Caesars. Try it before you judge me!

What song best describes your life right now? One Love by Bob Marley.

Biggest fashion faux pas? Dress pants on men that are too short with no socks. I just don’t get it.  

If you could snap your fingers and appear somewhere else, where would you be? Cape Point, South Africa. Without a doubt the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. 

Which cartoon character best represents your personal philosophy? Popeye — At this point in life “I am what I am and that’s all that I am.”  

You have to wear a t-shirt with one word on it, what would it be? Shhhhhhh.