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SRQ DAILY Aug 7, 2020

Friday Weekend Edition

Friday Weekend Edition

"A child's mental health and well-being are crucial to their ability to learn, grow, and thrive."

- Kirsten Russell, Vice President of Community Impact at the Community Foundation of Sarasota County

-Click to see more from SRQ Magazine's Summer 2020's Feature
[Partnership]  "Collaboration" Builds Community Despite Pandemic
Philip Lederer, Phil.Lederer@srqme.com

In a time of social distancing and political division, when so many people feel isolated and alone, the artists of SARTQ and Marianne Chapel of SPAACES have decided to showcase the power of cooperation and partnership through a new exhibition titled simply Collaboration. The exhibition sees individual SARTQ artists partnering with non-member artists, with both sides of the exchange creating new work inspired by this partnership. Opening this evening at SPAACES, the largely outdoor reception begins at 7pm and runs through 9pm. Masks are mandatory inside the gallery and multiple pandemic precautions have been put in place, including a rather novel approach involving a mime and a wooden stick.

The idea for Collaboration actually came in the halcyon days pre-pandemic, when the notion of sharing studio space with a friend or dropping by for a visit seemed like an entirely reasonable thing to do and less akin to some sort of biological warfare. Initially, the plan called for SARTQ members to collaborate with other members, but the collective ultimately decided that the spirit of the exhibition demanded more community focus and a greater sense of inclusiveness, says SARTQ’s Laine Nixon. “We are membership-based,” she says, “but we also love our community and want it to be broad and inclusive.” To that end, SARTQ artists partnered with a variety of community members, from artists to local plant experts.
The arrival of the pandemic put an end to some of these plans, especially those that relied extensively on public interaction, but 16-18 artists soldiered on, meeting virtually with their chosen partners and creating the work on display this evening. Nixon partnered with local artist Kathy Wright, an old friend and fellow visual artist with a penchant for abstract work, and the pair collaborated via Zoom, sharing ideas and workshopping in stages and reveling in their shared creativity. “I almost feel like I gained a studio partner,” Nixon says.

And even though neither one could physically touch the other’s work, Nixon still considers the results a true collaboration. “The collaboration is almost one piece in and of itself,” she says. “It just manifested in a couple different iterations.”
For Chapel, the choice to host Collaboration was an easy one. “This is exactly what The SPAACES Foundation is all about,” she says. “It builds better community when we collaborate.” And she suspects the community might need that now more than ever. “We need each other to pull each other up,” Chapel says. “This is a crazy, strange time in the world and it’s important that we come together.”

Not literally, of course, and Chapel has instituted several pandemic precautions to be observed throughout the show. Masks are mandatory in the gallery and only three people will be allowed in at any given time. Once inside, viewers must obey social distancing and follow the directional markers, which will lead them through the entire gallery and out a separate door, so those leaving and those entering do not collide. Refreshments and socializing will take place outdoors.

Enforcing it all? The aforementioned mime with a wooden stick. Local actor Michael Cruz, a Booker High School student and member of SaraSolo, will be presenting COVID Performance Art: An Interactive Artwork on Being Safe During the New Normal, seeing the masked actor mingle with attendees, miming actions such as hand-washing and “encouraging” social distancing with a six-foot-long wooden dowel. The mask starts with a smile but Chapel warns it can easily turn into a frown.

Collaboration opens tonight at 7pm at SPAACES. For those choosing to attend virtually, a live video will be streamed on the SPAACES Facebook page from 7:30pm to 7:50pm, showcasing the event and the art. Another video featuring the art and interviews with the artist will be available on the SPAACES website roughly a week later. 

Pictured: Kathy Wright (left) and Laine Nixon discuss their collaboration and their art.

[Virtual Concert]  Shrouded in Secrecy, Unscripted Reveals Art in Utero
Andrew Fabian, andrew.fabian@srqme.com

It was difficult to get an invite. You had to know someone or know someone who knows someone. All told, around 70 people were let into an exclusive venue the way folks in a big city are let into an exclusive night club: fully vetted. But in this case, the lucky guests were not selected based on whose clothes revealed the best form or whose wallets seemed to carry the most cash, they were selected based on their ability to keep a secret. The content of the event demanded it. That it was shrouded in so much intrigue owes less to the magnitude of the revelation unveiled and more to something distinctly human and much more precious.


The session was the first part of the Unscripted: Art from the Inside Out series, a collaboration between The Hermitage and Van Wezel Foundation that gives a small number of community stakeholders a view through the keyhole on works in progress by artists working in mediums from painting to dance. “It’s about welcoming people into the creative process,” says Hermitage CEO Andy Sandberg, who collaborated with Cheryl Mendelson of Van Wezel Foundation on the series after a conversation they shared about ways to work together. Some events, like this first one featuring world-class, avantgarde, genre-bending flutist Claire Chase, will be virtual.

The announcement that Chase would be performing for the guests came the day of the event, adding another layer of suspense to an already-unorthodox format. She signed on from the living room of her own home, a brick wall and bookshelves forming the backdrop as she sat at her computer with headphones. She introduced herself, though judging by the comment section on the Zoom stream, many already recognized her from her previous stay at The Hermitage or from one of her many sold out shows in New York City.

The work she performed is still in its production stages—hence the vulnerability. As a world-class musician, it can be difficult to allow others to see work before it has been perfected. But Chase also has something of a rock-and-roll attitude, regularly performing in alternative spaces and combining other elements of stagecraft and audience engagement into her shows. She seemed at ease sharing the brief snippet of her collaboration with Marcos Balter, another avantgarde musical mind known for his experimental compositions. As Zoom guest Mark F commented, it “sounds like Jerry Garcia sampled through a flute,” referring to the wandering, winding, virtuosic runs that sounded improvised but were, in fact, almost entirely accounted for in the sheet music.

The session’s success, while carried predominantly by Chase, was bolstered by the suspense and spontaneity of the secretive format. It felt special and intimate, with a hint of organic human interaction that’s hard to come by in the time of COVID.

As for anyone hoping to catch any of the rest of the series? Sorry, you just have to know someone. 

The Hermitage Retreat, 6630 Manasota Key Road, 941-475-2098. Van Wezel Foundation, 777 N Tamiami Trail, 941-366-0918. Photo courtesy of Claire Chase.

Click here for more information.

[Virtual Show]  ALSO Youth’s Virtual Variety Show

Matthew McGee, a well-known performer in the Tampa/Sarasota area, will host ALSO Youth’s upcoming Virtual Variety Show “Better Together” on September 26th from 6:30 to 8:30. Mr. McGee has performed locally with the Asolo Rep, freeFall Theatre Company, Stageworks, American Stage in the Park, and the Suncoast AIDS Theatre Project. He is a two time Theatre Tampa Bay Award winner and a Broadway World’s Best Actor in a Musical winner. The Virtual variety Show will feature performances by local theater, dance, circus arts, and drag performers as well as cooking and cocktail demonstrations. An online auction featuring vacation stays, experiences and gift baskets will begin two weeks prior to the event and will conclude at the end of the Variety Show. Proceeds from the event will support ALSO Youth’s programs for LGBTQ+ youth. 

For more information about the event contact TonyBoothby@michaelsaunders.com or james@alsoyouth.org.

[New Show]  Van Wezel Presents Digital Musical Series: A Killer Party

The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall invites you to join A Killer Party - A Murder Mystery Musical, a brand-new musical starring Broadway theater favorites Jeremy Jordan, Laura Osnes, Alex Newell, Carolee Carmello, Drew Gehling, Jarrod Spector, Jessica Keenan Wynn, Michael James Scott, Krystina Alabado and Jackie Burns. The entire 9-part musical series can be purchased for the single price of $12.99. 

You will receive the full 85-minute filmed episodic musical, plus bonus behind-the-scenes footage including cut material and more. A Killer Party will be available for streaming beginning August 5th at 10am ET and will be released three episodes at a time: Episodes 4-6 debut on August 12th and episodes 7-9 debut on August 19th.

A collaboration between more than 50 Broadway professionals all working together remotely, A Killer Party is not only a new musical, but represents a new type of musical. With a purchase of the series, you support these artists “on stage” and behind-the-scenes, while they provide laughter and levity during this time of new ways to create and support art. A portion of your purchase price will also support the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall. 

Click here for more information.

[Myakka River Region]  Sarasota County and Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast Protect Key Land

Sarasota County and Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast announce the permanent protection of 40 acres within the Myakka River region in Sarasota County. This significant property links Old Myakka Preserve, located at the eastern end of Fruitville Road, to more than 120,000 acres of protected lands surrounding the Myakka River and the Tatum Sawgrass Marsh. The property is a rare remnant of longleaf pine forest and Florida scrub, most of which is gone in Sarasota County. The property’s surface waters flow into the Tatum Sawgrass Marsh and the Myakka River. Conservation of such rare scrub habitat and clean-water resources is vital to the future of the local environment. Sarasota County purchased the property using its Environmentally Sensitive Land Protection Program (ESLPP) funding, a voter-approved program that enables important natural areas to be purchased for conservation, protecting environmental assets for the public benefit. Conservation Foundation initiated the purchase of this small but critical property by working with the conservation-minded landowner, MAG Properties, Inc. “This strategic purchase is a good example of Sarasota County’s commitment to protecting the natural resources of our region,” stated Nicole Rissler, Director of Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources. 

Click here for more information.

[Recognition]  Local Teens Earn Highest Boy Scouts of America Award

Scouts BSA Troop 895 honored seven young men as Eagle Scouts, Boy Scouts of America’s highest award, at a ceremony held at Church of the Palms on July 27, 2020. The Eagle scouts are SMA graduate Dante Aletto, Pineview graduates John Paul Fletcher and Will Getzen, Sarasota High graduates Christian Knuth and Ben Quale, Polytech High School graduate Aidan Sepanski and Polytech High School senior Dylan Stone.

To earn Eagle, each Scout completed a minimum of 21 merit badges, held a variety of leadership roles including Senior Patrol Leader, passed seven Boards of Review, demonstrated Scout Spirit, and led an extensive community service project. Some of their Eagle projects included building whelping boxes for puppies at an animal shelter, facility improvements to Crowley Museum and Nature Center, and an outdoor game area at Church of the Palms. Nationally, only 4% percent of eligible Scouts have achieved this award.

Eagle Scout, Will Getzen, remarked, “Looking back, I realize Scouting taught me essential skills, such as bearing the responsibility of making tough decisions, directing others, and putting fun aside at times to ensure the safety of the group. Being an effective leader is a very hard job, but I am grateful that scouting was able to provide me with a solid foundation.”

Scoutmaster Bobby Fletcher, an Eagle Scout himself, remarked, “It’s been an honor to have seen these young men through Scouting since the second grade; their loyalty and steadiness are a pleasure to see.” 

Click here for more information.

[New Grant]  Community Foundation of Sarasota County Awards Mental Health Services Grant to Forty Carrots Family Center

The Community Foundation of Sarasota County recently awarded Forty Carrots Family Center a $15,000 mental health services grant to provide behavioral support and social/emotional learning for families whose children currently attend or who are planning on attending Title 1 schools in Sarasota County.

“A child’s mental health and well-being are crucial to their ability to learn, grow, and thrive,” says Kirsten Russell, Vice President of Community Impact at the Community Foundation of Sarasota County. “Our nonprofit and community partners remain committed to supporting and safeguarding the mental health of our youth, ensuring families are engaged and connected to trusted partners and resources. We are proud to partner with organizations such as Forty Carrots who provide these opportunities to care for and empower our future generations.”

Michelle Kapreilian, Forty Carrots CEO states “A student’s mental health has a huge impact on their ability to learn and to achieve success. This grant will allow Forty Carrots Family Center to provide services to assist educators to help students with mental health issues.” 

Click here for more information.

[Recognition]  Anna Maria Oyster Bar Wins 2020 Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice Best of the Best Award

The Anna Maria Oyster Bar (Cortez location) today announced it has been recognized as 2020 Travelers’ Choice Best of the Best award winner for ranking in the top 10% of restaurants worldwide. Based on a full year of Tripadvisor reviews, prior to any changes caused by the pandemic, award winners exemplify travelers’/diners’ ultimate favorite, top 10% of hospitality businesses around the globe. “We are beyond proud to receive the Travelers’ Choice Best of the Best Award from Tripadvisor. Being recognized by our guests is an honor that means more than anything to us. We are proud to be a place where our guests are comfortable recommending to their friends and fellow Tripadvisor travelers,” said John Horne, owner of Anna Maria Oyster Bar. 

[Milestone]  Sarasota Family Law Attorney Amanda King Celebrates 10 Years with Syprett Meshad

Family law attorney Amanda King is celebrating her 10th year anniversary with the Sarasota law firm of Syprett Meshad. Ms. King is a partner with Syprett Meshad and has been certified by the Florida Supreme Court as a Family Mediator; she is also a Guardian ad Litem in the Family Law Division of Florida's 12th Judicial Circuit Court program. A graduate of the University of Florida, Ms. King earned her Juris Doctorate in 2007 from Tulane University School of Law. Admitted to practice in both Florida and California, she focuses her practice on litigation, uncontested divorce, parenting plan agreements, mediation, and collaborative family law.


Pictured: Sarasota Attorney Amanda King

Click here for more information.

[Recognition]  Doctors Hospital Recognized for Heart Attack and Stroke Treatment

While much of the community focus is on COVID-19, heart attack and stroke continue to be major health threats as well. Every year, more than 250,000 people experience an ST- elevation myocardial infarction, known as a STEMI, the deadliest type of heart attack, and according to the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, stroke is the number five cause of death in the United States. Doctors Hospital of Sarasota is consistently recognized for quality treatment and recently received the following awards for the hospital’s commitment to meeting specific quality achievement measures: Gold Receiving-Mission: Lifeline® program for heart attacks, Honor Roll Elite -Gold Plus with Target: Stroke and Honor Roll-Target: Type 2 Diabetes from Get With The Guidelines-Stroke® program. “Our ER at Doctors Hospital of Sarasota and Doctors Hospital of Sarasota ER in Lakewood Ranch continue to be open and safe. This recognition underscores the superior care our teams deliver for heart attacks and strokes,” said Robert Meade, CEO of Doctors Hospital of Sarasota.  “If you need emergency care, please don’t delay treatment.” 

[In This Issue]  UnMasked

The hands behind Sarasota's selfless sewers. 

Click here to read the full article from SRQ's Summer 2020 edition.

[COVID-19]  Manatee Memorial Hospital Resuming Elective Surgeries

Manatee Memorial Hospital will reopen elective surgeries and procedures effective Monday, August 10th, 2020. After closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the hospital’s leadership team is now working with physician offices to accommodate the re-scheduling of elective surgeries and procedures that are currently on-hold, as well as new cases identified recently. Patients awaiting a procedure are encouraged to contact their surgeon or physician for more information, including scheduling details.

“We realize how important elective surgeries and procedures can be for the health and comfort of patients, and are pleased to be able to accommodate them again,” said Kevin DiLallo, CEO at Manatee Memorial Hospital. “Due to the decrease in COVID-19 cases at this time, we have the staff, space and supplies necessary to bring back many elective surgeries and procedures. Rigorous cleaning and disinfection protocols, in addition to universal masking and social distancing measures, are in place to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff.” 

Click here for more information.

[Schedule Change]  Extended Hours at Arlington Park and Aquatic Complex

The City of Sarasota Parks & Recreation District is happy to announce that Arlington Park & Aquatic Complex has extended their public swim hours. Starting on Monday, August 17th, 2020 public swim times will be Monday through Friday, 10:00am – 6:30pm.

Advanced reservations and prepayment for swim times via our online system eTrak are required. Reservations will be available in increments of 45-minute each and beginning on the hour to allow for 15 minutes of sanitation between sessions. Reservations will be available one week prior, beginning every Friday at noon. Locker rooms will not be available, please come dressed in your swimming attire.  The indoor gymnasium, lounge chairs, and equipment such as kickboards and water weights will not be available. Separate entrance and exit gates will be utilized. 

Click here for more information.

[COVID-19]  Crystal Clean Green Cleaning is Helping Sweep Away Employee Stress

Crystal Clean Green Cleaning, a designated Healthy Sarasota County Worksite, is taking extra steps to prioritize employee health and well-being amidst COVID-19. Crystal Clean has been a Healthy Sarasota County Worksite for many years, and their leader, Steven Pajevic, makes no exceptions when it comes to making sure his staff stay healthy and happy.

The Healthy Sarasota County Worksite program, which is administered through the Florida Department of Health in Sarasota County, designates employers who are carrying out health promotion actions endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention proven to improve the health and well-being of their employees.

Due to Crystal Clean’s robust worksite wellness program, the additional safety measures put in place due to COVID-19 were nothing new. Crystal Clean has been actively using gloves, shoe covers, and other protective measures to prevent illness for many years. Employees are also now screened at the start of each workday, helping to ensure a healthy and safe workforce. 


Click here for more information.

[SOON]  GRAB BAG: The Exchange Hosts Charity Trunk Show , August 7 – August 8

Regional artist Isabella Adams who’s clientele includes luxury retailers Nieman Marcus, The Atlantis, Ritz Carlton and the Beverly Hills Hotel, to name a few, will be doing her part to help The Exchange, (formally the Woman’s Exchange) get back on their feet after being closed for two months due to Covid-19. For the first time since its inception, Isabella Adams will be selling 1st quality Swarovski crystal gifts and accessories, including signed and numbered pieces from her collection at wholesale prices during this two-day only “Charity” Trunk Show. This two day only charity event will take place at The Exchange on August 7th and 8th. Supplies are limited and will be sold on a first come first serve basis. No orders will be taken. In addition to the “Charity Trunk Show” The Exchange will have a large selection of sterling silver jewelry starting as low as $5.00 per piece. Other local artisan pieces will be available at discounted prices.

The Exchange, 539 S Orange Ave, Sarasota, FL 34236

[SOON]  GALA: Virtual: The Players Centre Hosts That's Entertainment: A 90th Birthday Celebration , August 7, 6:30pm-9pm

Due to COVID-19, the original gala, That’s Entertainment, to be held April 18, 2020 at The Municipal Auditorium, was canceled to keep patrons and staff safe from the virus. As the summer ends, so does the organization’s celebration of 90 years in downtown Sarasota. The new virtual gala will be held through Zoom and will feature performances, a live auction, and a tribute to our honorees: Heritage Honoree: Eva T. Slane, Hometown Talent: Eve Caballero, Community Philanthropists: Angela & John Fain and Hearts of Gold: Barbara & Dick Johnson. Tickets are $19.29 in honor of The Players founding in 1929. If you’re feeling especially festive, VIP tickets are available by phone. VIPs receive swag bags and a (socially distant) private cocktail time with a singing bartender before the virtual gala.

[SOON]  HEALTH: Fox Yoga at Big Cat Habitat & Gulf Coast Sanctuary , August 7, 8:45am-10am

Join Big Cat Habitat for our Fox Yoga fundraising event in collaboration with instructor Erika Cain. This is a unique interactive animal experience with gentle yoga weaved into the adventure. Erika will guide you through a yoga flow in our intimate encounter area, while Stormy and Miko, 2 silver foxes, freely play and connect with you. Allow yourself to be transformed by this exclusive experience as you become immersed in the outdoor environment and powerful energy of the foxes. This alignment-based class synchronizes breath with movement for you to deepen the mind-body connection and tune into your spirit animal. Practice is for most levels, giving you the opportunity to be gentle on your body. We will be practicing social distancing throughout the class and mats will be placed 6ft apart. Masks are required for this event. Big Cat Habitat hopes that this event will help guests connect with our majestic animals in a new way and support our mission to provide a safe, loving and permanent home for big cats and other exotic creatures in need. We take pride in educating our guests on the importance of species preservation to ensure the survival of these magnificent animals for future generations and to keep alive the human-animal connection in our world and in our community. $125 per person; includes interactive animal encounter, yoga flow and a single day pass to return to the habitat during normal business hours. Only 6 spaces available. Advanced reservations only. Bring yoga mat, towel and any props to assist your practice. Complimentary refreshments and light snacks available.
Big Cat Habitat & Gulf Coast Sanctuary, 7101 Palmer Boulevard Sarasota, FL 34240

Big Cat Habitat & Gulf Coast Sanctuary, 7101 Palmer Boulevard Sarasota, FL 34240

[SOON]  MUSIC: Virtual: Ballots Over Broadway: Supporting Higher Heights and Field Team 6 , August 7, 8pm-11pm

An intimate evening of Broadway musical performances by your favorite stars of stage and screen, to benefit Field Team 6 and Higher Heights for America. Presented by Feminists in Action and Momtivist, in partnership with HODG, Civic Sundays, Persist Happy Hour, and Face the Music. Featuring Emmy nominee Bradford Anderson, Tony winner Laura Benanti, Diva Impressionist Christina Bianco, Drama Desk winner Deborah S. Craig, Tony winner Andre DeShields, Fuller House's Juan Pablo di Pace and many more.

[SOON]  SEMINAR: Online: Florida Studio Theatre Presents Suffragist Saturdays: In Conversation with Sonia Fuentes , August 8, 4pm

FST invites you to join us for Suffragist Saturdays, a casual conversation series featuring leading women in our area. Come connect, learn, and celebrate the upcoming 100th anniversary of the women's right to vote as well as the real people who made it all possible. Featured guest: Sonia Fuentes, trailblazing lawyer, Co-Founder of NOW, author of "Eat First, You Don't Know What They'll Give You." Suffragist Saturdays are free to attend, though registration is required. Presented as part of FST's Suffragist Project: Celebrating 100 Years of the Woman’s Right to Vote. Suffragist Saturday with Sonia Fuentes will be held exclusively online. After registering for this virtual event, you will receive an email the day before the event from Florida Studio Theatre containing information about joining the online Zoom event.

[SOON]  SCIENCE AND NATURE: Virtual: KidSpace with The Bishop , August 8, 10:30am-11:30am

We unleash the awesome power of The Planetarium during KidSpace, where kids can become scientific masters of the universe. Join us as we take off from the Earth's surface and fly to places humans have never been: the Sun, planets, other moons in our solar system, newly discovered solar systems in our galaxy and beyond. KidSpace is designed for grades 1-5 and their grown-ups, but everyone is welcome.

[SOON]  SCIENCE AND NATURE: IQuest: Ocean Motion: Mapping Aquatic Animals , August 8, 4pm-8pm

IQuest — our monthly program for smart, curious middle school students in grades 6 through 8 — is back and in-person at The Bishop. On August 8, kids can join us as we dive into an underwater world previously inaccessible to humans and look at how scientists discover and interpret the movement of ocean animals. Then, we'll try some creative solutions of our own. During IQuest, kids can expect challenging projects and games that inspire out-of-the-box solutions to real-world problems. Please note: Due to limitations on attendance and staffing, attendees must pre-register by 11am on Saturday, August 8. We will be adhering to social distancing measures during all activities and the class size will be limited to 10 children. Masks will be required for all staff and students, and all students will be temperature-screened upon arrival.

The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, 201 10th Street West Bradenton, FL 34205

[SOON]  SEMINAR: Virtual: "The Art of Medicine" Panel Discussion with Sarasota County Medical Society , August 11, 6pm

The Ringling’s Community Gallery is currently showing an exhibition called "The Art of Medicine," which features artwork by physicians who are members of the Sarasota County Medical Society. This panel will feature some of exhibiting artists as they discuss how art enriches their lives as medical providers. The Community Gallery is generously sponsored by the Community Foundation of Sarasota County. We’ve designed a dynamic line-up of live, conversational, virtual programs for you to enjoy from anywhere. Tickets will be available 14 days prior to each program. Tickets are limited, but only 1 ticket is required for each household ($5), for regardless of how many in your household will participate. Free for members.

[SOON]  SEMINAR: Virtual: Power Hour Lunch , August 12, 11:45am-1pm

Join us for our "virtual" Power Hour Lunch. Stay connected with Chamber Members and update each other on your current business opportunities. If you like to submit an electronic or virtual door prize, please email cmcgonigal@sarasotachamber.com to let him know what it will be. We will have Trivia questions during the meeting for attendees to win the door prizes. Attendees are responsible for getting door prize to the winner. If you decide to order your own lunch, please support our Chamber Members who have restaurants or provide food and beverage, listed here. Please Note: Many restaurants have adjusted their hours and operations. Please check with the restaurant directly for more information.

[SOON]  FESTIVAL: Weekly: Sarasota Farmers Market , August 1 – April 24, 7am-1pm

Visit the Sarasota Farmers Market in Downtown Sarasota from 7am-1pm, rain or shine. We understand the severity of COVID-19; therefore, we are instituting some guidelines for both vendors and customers to follow as you join us downtown. Customer Code of Conduct: Stay home if you are sick or have been in contact with someone who is sick, Make a shopping list before coming, Pre-order and prepay vendors online if possible, Designate one shopper per household, Leave pets at home unless it is a service animal, Wear a mask, Look with your eyes only touch what you will buy, Maintain 6 feet of space between you and any others, Shop quickly and get everything to go, No gathering keep walkways clear, Hand sanitizer available at all vendor booths and sanitizing stations. 

Downtown Sarasota, Lemon Avenue and State Street, Downtown Sarasota

[SOON]  SEMINAR: Art Lecture Series with Baila Miller: Frida Kahlo: Love & Surrealism , August 18, 1pm-2:30pm

Join Historic Spanish Point for incredible stories on the artists that shaped and influenced history around the world. We are proud to offer this art lecture series with Baila Miller as part of our monthly programming. Baila’s unique storytelling presentations will connect you to the art world in a whole new way. All presentations take place at Historic Spanish Point’s Visitor Center Classrooms. Tickets: $15 for Historic Spanish Point members and $20 for future members.

Historic Spanish Point's Visitor Center Classrooms, 337 N Tamiami Trail, Osprey, FL 34229

[SOON]  FOOD: A Taste of Venice , August 26, 5:30pm-8pm

The 3rd Annual Event, Hosted by Hotel Venezia, will feature 15+ Local Eateries Serving Up Awesome Tastes. Early Bird Tickets are available for $15 until they’re Sold Out and General Admission is $20. Tickets include all Food Tastings and Beverages are available at the Cash Bar.

Hotel Venezia, 425 US 41 Bypass N Venice, Florida

[SOON]  MUSEUM: Small Wonders: Insects in Focus at The Bishop , June 17 – October 20, Museum hours.

Insects inhabit every domain of our daily lives, performing essential functions that balance our fragile ecosystem on Earth — functions that often go unnoticed because of their small size or scale. Now, using cutting-edge technology and custom methods that put tiny insects on a human scale, artist and photographer Bob Sober allows visitors to see the patterns, textures, colors and details that have always been present, but too small to appreciate in The Bishop’s newest special exhibition: Small Wonders: Insects in Focus.

Creating human-scale images of insects, with resolution so high that every hair, dimple and tiny structure is clearly revealed, was impossible prior to the technological advancements of the past 10 years. Now, Sober’s skills allow us to see the intersection of natural science and art in the smooth metallic finishes and heavily stippled textures, strange body shapes, delicate wing structures and beautifully engineered body components in this series of 30 images that will are on display in the Museum’s second-floor Rincon Gallery and throughout the Museum.

Small Wonders: Insects in Focus features 30 of Sober’s spectacular images and viewers will find themselves at the intersection of art and science. The exhibition, which is included in the cost of admission, is organized by ExhibitsUSA, a program of Mid-America Arts Alliance and will be open at The Bishop through October 20.

The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature, 201 10th St. W, Bradenton

SRQ Media Group

SRQ DAILY is produced by SRQ | The Magazine. Note: The views and opinions expressed in the Saturday Perspectives Edition and in the Letters department of SRQ DAILY are those of the author(s) and do not imply endorsement by SRQ Media. Senior Editor Jacob Ogles edits the Saturday Perspective Edition, Letters and Guest Contributor columns.In the CocoTele department, SRQ DAILY is providing excerpts from news releases as a public service. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by SRQ DAILY. The views expressed by individuals are their own and their appearance in this section does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. For rates on SRQ DAILY banner advertising and sponsored content opportunities, please contact Ashley Ryan Cannon at 941-365-7702 x211 or via email

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